O INSIDE World Festival of Interiors divulgou uma lista com mais de 60 finalistas do prêmio World Interior of the Year 2016. Ocorrendo paralelamente ao World Architecture Festival, o INSIDE reconhece os projetos de interiores mais originais e impressionantes.
AS nomeações em 9 categorias incluem projetos de todas as regiões do globo. De bares e estabelecimentos comerciais a escolas e hotéis, os nomeados serao convidados a a apresentar seus projetos durante o festival em Novembro. Veja, a seguir, a lista completa dos projetos finalistas.
Bares & Restaurantes:

- Ahead Concept Design, Lin Mao Sen Tea Store, Taipei, Taiwan
- Beijing Fenghemuchen Space Design, Blue Lake House, Pequim, China
- Cheng-Chen Chen, Maru, Taipei, Taiwan
- Eight Inc., Breeze Frankfurter Hof, Frankfurt, Alemanha
- merz merz, Mercedes me, Pequim, China
- Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, Rachel's Burger, Xangai, China
- One Plus Partnership, C C Moment, Shenzhen, China
- Paradigm Shift Design Company, Rabbit Hole, Bangkok, Tailândia
- PIA Interior Company, Air space, Hua Hin, Tailândia
Cívico, Cultural & Transporte:

- De Matos Ryan, York Theatre Royal, York, Reino Unido
- Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, The Hub Performance and Exhibition Center, Xangai, China
- One Plus Partnership, Meteor Cinema Guangzhou, China
- Stanton Williams, Waddesdon Bequest, London, Reino Unido
Reuso criativo:

- K.P.D.O, Riverside Centre, Brisbane, Austrália
- Studio Lotus, Baradari, City Palace Jaipur, Índia
- Warner Wong Design, Niven Road Studio, Singapura
Mostruário & Expositivo:

- Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects + Maos Design, Huaxin Wisdom Mark - office showroom for all possibilities, Xangai, China
- Bo Lee / Shenzhen Cimax Design Company, Together: 2016 International Creative Designer Furniture Exhibition, Shenzhen, China
- Hülle + Fülle, Showroom, Münster, Alemanha
- IADC, Gardening Box, Xangai, China
- Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, The Cut, stand design for Kvadrat, Milão, Itália
- Suh Architects, Hyundai Motorstudio, Seoul, Coreia do Sul
- we architech anonymous, Showroom 668 Changyang Road, Xangai, China
Saúde & Educação:

- BVN, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School Stage 1, North Strathfield, NSW, Austrália
- Nikken Space Design, Kondo Clinic, Osaka, Japão
- OHLAB / Oliver Hernaiz Architecture Lab, Emardental Clinic, Palma de Mallorca, Espanha
- Rosan Bosch Studio, Sheikh Zayed Private Academy for Boys, Abu Dhabi, EAU

- Hassell, Ovolo Woolloomooloo, Sydney, Austrália
- Joyce Wang Studio / The Landmark, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
- NOA* - Network Of Architecture, The Apple Hotel, Saltaus (St. Martin in Passeier), Itália
- OHLAB / Oliver Hernaiz Architecture Lab, Puro Hotel, Palma de Mallorca, Espanha
- PIA Interior Company, Hua Hin Marriot Resort & Spa, Hua Hin, Tailândia
- Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos, Grand Hyat Playa del Carmen Spa, Playa del Carmen, México

- Atelier E, The Alchemist, Hong Kong, China
- Boogertman + Partners Architects, Google Head Office South Africa, Johannesburg, África do Sul
- BVN, Macquarie Bank Workplace, Sydney, Austrália
- BVN, Minter Ellison, Sydney, Austrália
- Carlo Berarducci Architecture, VDP Engineering Office, Roma, Itália
- Form4 Architecture, Netflix Headquarters, Los Gatos, Califórnia, EUA
- Guida Moseley Brown Architects, The ARTS Group Headquarters, Wuzhong, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
- Hallucinate, Midwest Inland Port Financial Town, Xi'an, China
- Hülle & Fülle, Zalando HUB, Berlim, Alemanha
- J.C. Architecture, Logistic Republic, Taipei Park - H&M warehouse management office, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Matt Gibson Architecture + Design, Compulsive Productions, Melbourne, Austrália
- Mole design, Working space, Taiwan Soesthetic group, Xinwei Office, Kiev, Ucrânia
- Woods Bagot, Melbourne Studio, Melbourne, Australia Woods Bagot, Paramount by The Office Space, Sydney, Austrália
- X-Line Design, Auer, New Taipei City, Taiwan

- House of Beast, The Playhouse, Hong Kong, China
- Ian Moore Architects, 30 Adelaide Street, Sydney, Austrália
- iredale pedersen hook architects and Caroline Di Costa Architect, CASA31_4 Room House, Perth, Austrália
- MdAA Architetti Associati, 1+1= 3, Roma, Itália
- Mole design, Residence, Taiwan Shang Yih Interior Design, Spacious, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Smart Design Studio, Indigo Slam, Sydney, Austrália
- studiomk27, SP_Penthouse, São Paulo, Brasil

- Cheng-Chen Chen, KOKO store, Taipei, Taiwan
- Draft, Zoff Mart, Tóquio, Japão
- Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, Comme Moi Flagship Store, Xangai, China
- One Plus Partnership, Darry Ring Jewellery Shop, Xangai, China
- Shanwei Weng & Jiadie Yuan/Hangzhou AN Interior Design, Black Cant System - HEIKE fashion brand concept store, Hangzhou,China